Financial results - IAR SA

Financial Summary - Iar Sa
Unique identification code: 1132930
Registration number: J08/4/1991
Nace: 3030
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Iar Sa - Unique Identification Number 1132930: 427.484.707 euro, registering a net profit of 24.069.830 euro and having an average number of 369 employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Fabricarea de aeronave si nave spatiale having the NACE code 3030.


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CAEN 3316 3316 3316 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030
ACTIVE IMOBILIZATE - TOTAL 42.174.920 64.300.563 63.452.322 63.588.814 66.603.308 74.440.418 83.860.281 92.495.424 102.021.445 109.588.011
CAPITALURI - TOTAL, din care: 73.928.233 105.872.490 111.529.090 129.491.045 150.921.306 188.534.170 204.049.438 219.812.730 228.527.219 247.277.902
Capital subscris varsat 47.197.132 47.197.132 47.197.132 47.197.132 47.197.132 47.197.132 47.197.132 47.197.132 47.197.132 47.197.132
Cifra de afaceri neta 101.683.693 130.892.204 152.096.365 192.724.954 259.274.208 365.811.270 256.291.473 329.506.603 315.424.444 427.484.707
VENITURI TOTALE 120.832.085 136.053.144 163.482.756 206.592.170 304.717.092 387.183.732 262.385.849 336.311.209 347.160.532 450.700.599
CHELTUIELI TOTALE 112.695.915 118.618.020 145.187.056 176.335.159 267.646.471 330.836.749 225.466.220 309.786.521 329.217.694 415.583.066
Profit brut 8.136.170 17.435.124 18.295.700 30.257.011 37.070.621 56.346.983 36.919.629 26.524.688 17.942.838 35.117.533
Profit net 5.713.001 11.961.550 12.213.227 24.191.976 31.184.158 49.128.541 33.967.230 23.488.292 14.198.145 24.069.830
ACTIVE CIRCULANTE - TOTAL, din care: 114.383.519 134.898.085 165.830.662 272.245.302 258.994.406 268.873.800 256.725.850 316.752.815 555.186.339 505.645.457
Numar mediu de salariati 315 314 316 341 364 390 389 367 356 369
Stocuri 48.280.247 36.624.387 48.459.209 115.650.817 164.987.911 211.201.751 211.074.582 222.838.034 256.828.675 294.421.728
Creante 20.441.103 18.109.861 35.270.452 93.019.623 91.808.774 48.901.225 35.878.560 48.610.435 40.063.750 125.581.308
Casa si conturi la bãnci - - 82.101.001 63.574.862 2.197.721 8.770.824 9.772.708 45.304.346 258.293.914 18.127.878
Casa si conturi la banci 39.608.353 80.163.837 - - - - - - - -
CHELTUIELI IN AVANS - - - - 11.298 52.177 69.421 99.376 82.044 63.166
DATORII 29.748.353 35.134.276 39.113.164 121.215.471 98.699.960 84.740.127 80.976.124 135.777.184 361.037.110 258.255.342
VENITURI IN AVANS 29 4.449 1.542 - - 97.723 45.769 27.106 857 736.906
PROVIZIOANE 52.881.824 58.187.433 78.639.188 85.127.600 75.987.746 69.994.375 55.584.221 53.730.595 67.724.642 109.026.484

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